Homepage Guido Graeff Helmarshausen Antike Goldschmiedekunst granulieren, emaillieren, filigran Edelsteinschleifen, Weser-Mineralien Wiederbelebung der etruskischen Gold-Staubgranulation Elektronische Musik - Projekt Wavetrip Mitglied im Kunstverein Coburg
 Skarabäenpektoral Tutanchamuns
I'm on behalf of Rogerus from Helmarshausen en route (Goldsmith of the 12th century)
and would like to revive the old Goldsmith's art.
With the power of music and image I want to kidnap you,
ancient Goldsmith's art to learn, granulate, enamel, filigree.
Rare minerals and rocks, locate and edit.
Own music compositions: project Wavetrip! alias: Filigreenus